Spring 2023, Issue 36
Issue 36 includes:
Poetry Translation Folios with work by Chinese poet Zhang Zhihao, translated by Yuemin He; French surrealist poet Joyce Mansour, translated by C. Francis Fisher; and Vietnamese poet Tuę Sỹ, translated by Martha Collins and Nguyen Ba Chung.
A poetry feature on working class, Jewish, LA-based poet Bert Meyers.
New Poetry by MacArthur “Genius” grant winner Campbell McGrath; Los Angeles Poet Laureate Lynn Thompson; Guggenheim Fellow Michael Waters; Georgia Poet Laureate and NEA Fellow Chelsea Rathburn; Readers’ Choice Award recipient Sandra Simonds; Yellen Fellow Vandana Khanna; Cave Canem and Margaret Bridgman fellow Gary Jackson; NEA Fellow Oliver de la Paz; as well as emerging poets Rita Mookerjee, Bunkong Tuon, Zack Strait, Seif-Eldeine, Joshua Aiken, and many others.
New Fiction by Flannery O’Connor Award winner Siamak Vossoughi, Pushcart Prize “special mentions” S. Shankar and Mike Alberti, Connecticut Office of the Arts Fellow David Ryan, Cos Barnes Fellow Julia Ridley Smith, and emerging writers Joshua Pearson and Josie Tolin.
New Essays by Guggenheim Fellow Mark Halliday and emerging essayist Ari Ketzal.
Cover Art by British-Liberian visual artist, Lina Iris Viktor.
- Poetry
- Joshua Aiken
- Samuel Amadon
- Colby Cotton
- Oliver de la Paz
- Allison Funk
- Lea Graham
- Sonia Greenfield
- Gary Jackson
- Vandana Khanna
- Rebecca Lehmann
- Elline Lipkin
- Campbell McGrath
- Bert Meyers
- Rita Mookerjee
- Greg Oaks
- Chelsea Rathburn
- Catie Rosemurgy
- Katherine Sánchez Espano
- Ismael Santillanes
- Seif-Eldeine
- Andy Sia
- Sandra Simonds
- Kathryn Smith
- Zack Strait
- Lynne Thompson
- Matthew Tuckner
- Bunkong Tuon
- Sophie Van Waardenberg
- Grace Wagner
- DS Waldman
- Michael Waters
- Lizabeth Yandel
- Fiction
- Mike Alberti
- Joanna Pearson
- David Ryan
- S. Shankar
- Julia Ridley Smith
- Josie Tolin
- Siamak Vossoughi
- NonFiction
- Mark Halliday
- Ari Ketzal
- Translation Folios
- Joyce Mansour (trans. C. Francis Fisher)
- Zhang Zhihao (trans Yeumin He)
- Tuệ Sỹ (trán. Nguyễn Ba Chung & Martha Collins)